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SSD Data Recovery

Data recovery from SSD drives

 ανάκτηση δεδομένων ssd

SSD drives (Solid State Drives) have pros and cons.

Their obvious advantage is the data access speed which can not be compared with any other data storage device.

Many people believe, that because SSDs do not have any mechanical parts, this makes them more reliable. Actually, this is not completely true. Sure, having no sensitive mechanical parts inside the drive makes it less sensitive in various damages (i.e. the heads can not be mechanically damaged if the drive is dropped), but at the same time these drives are more sensitive to power surges and high electrical and magnetic fields.

ανάκτηση αρχείων SSD

A great disadvantage of SSDs is that the have a limited number of access cycles due to the electronic circuits, thus, resulting in higher possibilities of losing data than than of a conventional drive.

Their other disadvantage is every manufacturer (Intel, Sandisk, Toshiba, OCZ etc) uses their own NAND technology and own algorithm in order to achieve the best possible result with their end product. This results in every drive being unique and data recovery becoming very complicated.

Northwind's experienced technicians have developed a system through which data recovery of Solid State Drives is possible.

Contact us

(210.3314829 for Athens, 2310.402675 for Thessaloniki, or for urgent cases at 6946.908811) so that we can come up with a solution to your problem through a free evaluation.